Bayreuth 2018
July/August is Bayreuth time for the Wagner aficionado. This year’s festival opened with a new production of Lohengrin staged by Yuval Sharon and directed by Christian Thielemann.
Here is a list with the recordings of the Bayreuth festival 2018 that have emerged so far.

25 JulyLohengrinChristian Thielemannbroadcast
25 JulyLohengrinChristian Thielemanntelecast
26 JulyParsifalSemyon Bychkovbroadcast
27 JulyTristan und IsoldeChristian Thielemannbroadcast
28 JulyDie Meistersinger von NürnbergPhilippe Jordanbroadcast
30 JulyDer fliegende HolländerAxel Koberbroadcast
31 JulyDie WalkürePlácido Domingobroadcast
5 AugustDie Meistersinger von NürnbergPhilippe Jordanin-house recording


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