Category Archives: Audio
Der fliegende Holländer from the Bayreuth festival 1959
A short while ago the German label Orfeo released a version of Der fliegende Holländer from the Bayreuth festival 1959…
The Kempe Ring Bayreuth 1960
There is some confusion about the Kempe Ring from Bayreuth 1960. The complete Ring has been published on LP and…
Bayreuth 2017
The live broadcasts from the Bayreuth festival 2017 are over. The festival opened with a new production of Die Meistersinger…
5 new Ring recordings
Five complete Ring cycles have been added to the website. In chronological order they are: Solti London 1965 Though these…
17 new Holländer recordings
17 new recordings of Der fliegende Holländer have been added to the list. In chronological order: 1959 Charles Bruck ORTF…
New Bayreuth recordings
Most Wagner music lovers are especially interested in recordings from Bayreuth, the Bayreuth myth obviously still hasn’t lost his appeal….
Parsifal Bayreuth 2016
The Bayreuth festival 2016 just started with a new production of Parsifal staged by the German actor and director Uwe…
Two Barenboim Tristan recordings from Bayreuth
In 1981 Jean-Pierre Ponnelle staged Tristan und Isolde at the Bayreuth festival. The production ran for five seasons from 1981…
Lohengrin in Danish
Once in a while a unique Wagner recording emerges like this 1953 performance from the Royal Opera House in Copenhagen….
Otmar Suitner at the Teatro Municipal de Caracas
In 1965 the East-German maestro Otmar Suitner gave same guest performances in Venezuela. Two of these performances from Caracas, Tristan…

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