The ancronyms are the same as the ones used in the book by Karsten Steiger (Opern-Diskographie, Saur: München 2008).
Abbreviation | Label | Remark |
ABC | American Broadcasting Company | |
BASF | Badische Anilin- und Sodafabriken | |
BBC | British Broadcasting Corporation | |
BCS | Bel Canto Society | |
BLV | BellaVoce | |
BMC | Budapest Music Center Records | |
BMG | Bertelsmann Music Group | |
BWS | Bruno Walter Society | |
CA | Celestial Audio | Internet label |
CBC | Canadian Broadcasting Company | |
CBS | Columbia Broadcasting Society | |
CPO | Classic Production Osnabrück | |
CRQ | Classical Recordings Quarterly | |
DG | Deutsche Grammophon | |
DHM | Deutsche Harmonia Mundi | |
EA | Estro Armonico | |
EJS | Edward J. Smith Recordings | Defunct LP-label |
EMI | Electrical and Musical Industries | |
ENGT | Encore Productions/Grand Tier | |
ERR | Ed Rosen Records | Defunct LP-label |
FKM | Fachmann für Klassische Musik | |
FSM | Fono Schallplatten | |
FWR | Roger W. Frank | Defunct LP-label |
GAO | Golden Age of Opera | |
GAW | Die goldene Aera Richard Wagners | |
GDS | Giuseppe di Stefano Records | |
GFC | Great Opera Favourites of the Century | |
GM | Golden Melodram | |
GOP | Great Opera Performances | |
Hag | Hamburger Archiv für Gesangskunst | |
HMV | His Master’s Voice | |
HO | House of Opera | Internet label |
HOPE | Historical Opera Performances Edition | |
HRE | Historical Recording Enterprises | |
IDIS | Istituo Discografico Italiano S.R.L. | |
IGI | I Grandi Interpreti | |
IGS | International Gramophone Soceiety | |
INA | Institut national de l’audiovisuel | |
INBA | Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes | |
IP | Immortal Performances | |
KRO | Katholieke Radio Omroep | |
LRO | Live Rare Opera | |
LS | Living Stage | |
LyR | Lyrica Records | Internet Label |
M&A | Music & Arts | |
MCA | Music Corporation of America | |
MD+G | Dabringhaus und Grimm | |
MDP | Michael D. Polimeni | |
MFA | Musique Française d’Aujourd’hui | |
MGB | Migros Genossenschaftsbund | |
MGM | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer | |
MHS | Musical Heritage Society | |
MK | Meschdunarodnaja Kniga | Old Russian LP-label |
MM | Movimento Musica | |
MMS | Musical Masterwork Society | |
MOP | Metropolitan Opera Performances | |
MRF | Mauro R. Fuguette Records | Defunct LP-label |
NM | Nederlandse Muziek | |
OA | Opera Addiction | Internet label |
OD | Opera Depot | Internet label |
OMS | Oriel Music Society | Defunct CD-label |
OOP | Omega Opera Archiv | Internet label |
PO | Premiereopera Italy | Internet label |
RCA | Radio Corporation of America | |
RHR | Robin Hood Records | Defunct LP-label |
ROHS | Royal Opera House Series | |
RR | Recital Records | |
RRE | Rare Recorded Editon | |
RTVE | Radio Television Espanola | |
RTVS | Radiotelevizije Slovenija | |
SNE | Societé Nouvelle d’Enregistrement | |
SPA | Society of Participating Artists | |
SRO | Standing Room Only | |
SWF | Société Wilhelm Furtwängler | |
TER | That’s Entertainment Records | |
TIM | The International Music Company | |
TOL | The Opera Lovers | Internet label |
UORC | Unique Opera Records | Defunct LP-label |
VAI | Video Artists International | |
VMM | Vienna Modern Masters |