
The ancronyms are the same as the ones used in the book by Karsten Steiger (Opern-Diskographie, Saur: München 2008).

ABCAmerican Broadcasting Company
BASFBadische Anilin- und Sodafabriken
BBCBritish Broadcasting Corporation
BCSBel Canto Society
BMCBudapest Music Center Records
BMGBertelsmann Music Group
BWSBruno Walter Society
CACelestial AudioInternet label
CBCCanadian Broadcasting Company
CBSColumbia Broadcasting Society
CPOClassic Production Osnabrück
CRQClassical Recordings Quarterly
DGDeutsche Grammophon
DHMDeutsche Harmonia Mundi
EAEstro Armonico
EJSEdward J. Smith RecordingsDefunct LP-label
EMIElectrical and Musical Industries
ENGTEncore Productions/Grand Tier
ERREd Rosen RecordsDefunct LP-label
FKMFachmann für Klassische Musik
FSMFono Schallplatten
FWRRoger W. FrankDefunct LP-label
GAOGolden Age of Opera
GAWDie goldene Aera Richard Wagners
GDSGiuseppe di Stefano Records
GFCGreat Opera Favourites of the Century
GMGolden Melodram
GOPGreat Opera Performances
HagHamburger Archiv für Gesangskunst
HMVHis Master’s Voice
HOHouse of OperaInternet label
HOPEHistorical Opera Performances Edition
HREHistorical Recording Enterprises
IDISIstituo Discografico Italiano S.R.L.
IGII Grandi Interpreti
IGSInternational Gramophone Soceiety
INAInstitut national de l’audiovisuel
INBAInstituto Nacional de Bellas Artes
IPImmortal Performances
KROKatholieke Radio Omroep
LROLive Rare Opera
LSLiving Stage
LyRLyrica RecordsInternet Label
M&AMusic & Arts
MCAMusic Corporation of America
MD+GDabringhaus und Grimm
MDPMichael D. Polimeni
MFAMusique Française d’Aujourd’hui
MGBMigros Genossenschaftsbund
MHSMusical Heritage Society
MKMeschdunarodnaja KnigaOld Russian LP-label
MMMovimento Musica
MMSMusical Masterwork Society
MOPMetropolitan Opera Performances
MRFMauro R. Fuguette RecordsDefunct LP-label
NMNederlandse Muziek
OAOpera AddictionInternet label
ODOpera DepotInternet label
OMSOriel Music SocietyDefunct CD-label
OOPOmega Opera ArchivInternet label
POPremiereopera ItalyInternet label
RCARadio Corporation of America
RHRRobin Hood RecordsDefunct LP-label
ROHSRoyal Opera House Series
RRRecital Records
RRERare Recorded Editon
RTVERadio Television Espanola
RTVSRadiotelevizije Slovenija
SNESocieté Nouvelle d’Enregistrement
SPASociety of Participating Artists
SROStanding Room Only
SWFSociété Wilhelm Furtwängler
TERThat’s Entertainment Records
TIMThe International Music Company
TOLThe Opera LoversInternet label
UORCUnique Opera RecordsDefunct LP-label
VAIVideo Artists International
VMMVienna Modern Masters