A short while ago the German label Orfeo released a version of Der fliegende Holländer from the Bayreuth festival 1959…
July/August is Bayreuth time for the Wagner aficionado. This year’s festival opened with a new production of Lohengrin staged by…
It’s time to give you a short update what’s going on here at wagnerdisco.net. Currently I work in four fields…
Well, it took quite a while but now the Parsifal section is completed. More than 200 audio and 30 video…
Wagner recordings from Japan are not that unusual. The big European opera companies are often touring in Japan. However this…
Just got a new Tristan recording. It’s from the XV Festival Amazonas de Ópera in Manaus. Conducted by Luiz Fernando…
Tannhäuser and Lohengrin are complete now. Together there are more than 300 recordings listed. Interestingly Der fliegende Holländer seems to…
I just completed the section about Der fliegende Holländer. Complete means I listed all the recordings I am aware of…
I just finished compiling the video recordings of Wagner’s Holländer. There are currently 34 recordings listed. If you know a…
As of today Wagner Disography is online. The purpose of this web site is to give you the most complete…